DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

In the age of technology, most of us are inseparable from our phones. This devices have become more connected to our identities than any other product in history. What do you think about the idea of adding our personality to it in a shape of a handmade polymer clay phone cover?

Do you remember the gold period of public phones and the phone book? I knew half the phone numbers of family and friends. Now I don’t know a single phone number by heart any longer. That hit me when my phone’s battery died and my charger was at home. I needed to reach my friend I was supposed to meet and, oops, I didn’t know her number. That’s just embarrassing… We happens to get used very fast to good things!

A study I read lately indicates that thirty-nine percent of Americans between the ages of 30 and 49 never turn their phones off. Our relationships with these devices are close and constant. If your connectivity is centered on your beloved smartphone, wouldn’t it be great if that handy handheld device will wear your personality in a polymer clay cover?

What’s your favorite fimo phone cover? I’m in the fimo canes mood so if I’ll have to choose I’ll start whit no 3 🙂

  1. polymer clay phone cover – artist: Angela Hickey

DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

2. fimo phone cover – artist: Sana Kodama

DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

3. polymer clay phone cover – artist: MaryAnne Loveless

DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

4. polymer clay phone cover – artist: tathariel

DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

5. fimo phone cover – artist: unknown artist

DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

6. fimo phone cover – artist:

DIY 6 polymer clay phone cover ideas

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get updated with new polymer clay ideas and a lots of free fimo do it yourself tutorials .  Here is a list of polymer clay tutorials you will enjoy!

Thanks for visiting and until next time I wish you all a creative day!

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

This post is for a dear friend. When I start working with fimo it was difficult to find tutorial and I was constantly complaining to her. She gave me the idea of making a site with fimo (polymer clay) tutorials she asked me in return to make a special cover for her journal.  Next month is her birthday, so I decided to make some research work on the fimo notebook cover ideas.  A birthday gift should feel personal and what’s more personal than a handmade gift?

Finding the perfect gift for a woman can be tricky. In addition to your budget and her taste, you also have to consider the occasion, as well as how long you have known this particular woman. Here are some fimo notebook covers that match both for gifts or for women of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a small token of your appreciation for an employee, a thoughtful gift for your mom or a gift for an anniversary, one of these unique gifts will suit her perfectly.

I’ve thrown in some unique items that will be perfect even for that “hard to please” woman.

fimo notebook cover -> artist: ArtisticVariations84

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: Aniko Kolesnikova

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: ArtisticVariations84

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

polymer clay notebook cover -> artist:

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist:

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist:

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: MyMandarinDucky

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

polymer clay notebook cover -> artist:

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: ArteDiAmore

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: Superkitina

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: MidnightandMagnolias

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist:  MandarinMoon

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

polymer clay notebook cover -> artist: HeathersCraftStudio

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: unknown artist (source: pinterest)

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: MandarinMoon

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: MandarinMoon

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

fimo notebook cover -> artist: MandarinMoon

DIY 20 polymer clay notebook cover ideas

What do you think about this collection of fimo notebook cover ideas? Aren’t they amazing?

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo diy tutorials.

Thanks for visiting!

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

I always feel the urge to know what is the time. There is a strong connection between people and time. The clock is not only an indicator of the time but can serve as a decorative element. I am always rushing somewhere and I have to “stay in contact” with the clok. I lost a lot of time looking for the clock that will perfectly match with my home design. Now, after few years, I’m bored of the same old design and I’m thinking of changing it.  What about you? Why don’t you make your old, boring clock to look like a piece of art?

You can find for purchase thousands of shapes and designs, but the one that has your design for sure will be the best. Take your time and answer to the question: “Will you buy one or will you create one?”.  Why not make your unique clock by yourself? The possibilities are multiple, I only collected 4 interesting and creative DIY fimo/ polymer clay clock ideas that could serve as an inspiration.

Let’s get to work! Below are some truly unique clocks you may want on your wall:

1. fimo clock – artist: amusedcreations

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

2. fimo clock – artist: Carolyn Bond

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

3. fimo clock – artist: Mary Johnson

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

4. fimo clock – artist: MysticDreamerArt

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

5. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

6. polymer clay clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

7. fimo clock – artist: MysticDreamerArt

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

8. fimo clock – artist: aMused Creations

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

9. fimo clock – artist: MysticDreamerArt

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

10. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

11. fimo clock – artist: FlowertownOriginals

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

12. fimo clock – artist: Carolyn Bond

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

13. fimo clock – artist: Angela Hickey

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

14. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

15. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

16. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

17. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

18. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

19. fimo clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

20. polymer clay clock – artist:

DIY 20 fimo clock ideas

What do you think about this collection of polymer clay clock ideas to decorate your home? Did I found your creative quest? Hurry up the clock is ticking :))

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo diy tutorials.

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas


If you redecorate a room, I can help you decorate your home by showing a collection of beautiful fimo/ handmade decorative vase designs for your inspiration. Simple and clear vases are easily available everywhere and with some creativity you can make from a simple vase, one very attractive. This way you can turn a simple glass vase into a special decorative accessory for your home.

It’s not fair that we use those stylish and festive decorating ideas only in the month of December. Let’s celebrate spring! Flowers bring life to the home, and it is important to know how to keep them looking beautiful.

Seek inspiration from a multitude of pretty forms of nature and experiment a bit with some interesting do it yourself ideas, along with your friends to make your homes look charming!

  1. fimo vase – artist: Pamela Carman

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

2. fimo vase – artist: MandarinMoon

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

3. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

4. fimo vase – artist: wanda shum

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

5. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

6. fimo vase – artist: Marlene Brady

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

7. fimo vase – artist: Naama Zamir

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

8. fimo vase – artist: eugeniascreations

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

9. fimo vase – artist: Clayart

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

10. fimo vase – artist: beefball papa

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

11. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

12. fimo vase – artist: wanda shum

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

13. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

14. diy fimo vase – artist: mkwATELIER

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

15 fimo vase – artist: GrantDiffendaffer

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

16. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

17. fimo vase – artist: Wanda Shum

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

18. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

19. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

20. fimo vase – artist: mkwATELIER

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

21. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

22. fimo vase – artist: tamarozenpolymerclay

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

23. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

24. fimo vase – artist: jbwolen

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

25. fimo vase – artist: Wanda Shum

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

26. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

27. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

28. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

29. fimo vase – artist: tamarozenpolymerclay

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

30. fimo vase – artist: eugeniascreations

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

31. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

32. fimo vase – artist: jbwolen

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

33. fimo vase – artist: dancingfeatherstudio

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

34. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

35. fimo vase – artist: wanda shum

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

36. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

37. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

38. fimo vase – artist: GrantDiffendaffer

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

39. fimo vase – artist: tamarozenpolymerclay

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

40. fimo vase – artist: eugeniascreations

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

41. fimo vase – artist: BraunlinCreativeArts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

42. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

43. diy fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

44. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

45. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

46. fimo vase – artist: BraunlinCreativeArts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

47. fimo vase – artist:  olgaperova

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

48. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

49. fimo vase – artist: jbwolen

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

50. fimo vase – artist: eugeniascreations

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

51. fimo vase – artist:  olgaperova

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

52. fimo vase – artist: dancingfeatherstudio

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

53. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

54. diy fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

55. fimo vase – artist: BraunlinCreativeArts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

56. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

57. fimo vase – artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

58. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

59. fimo vase – artist: eugeniascreations

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

60. fimo vase – artist: forensrn

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

61. diy fimo vase – artist: olgaperova

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

62. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

63.  fimo vase – artist: olgaperova

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

64. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

65.  diy fimo vase – artist:  DuoDesign458

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

66. fimo vase – artist: missmollysdesigns

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

67. fimo vase – artist: eugeniascreations

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

68. diy fimo vase – artist: olgaperova

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

69. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

70. fimo vase – artist: artbyesely

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

71. fimo vase – artist: DuoDesign458

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

72. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

73. fimo vase – artist: artbyesely

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

74. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

75. fimo vase – artist: FlowertownOriginals

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

76. fimo vase – artist: FlowertownOriginals

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

77. fimo vase – artist: artbyesely

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

78. fimo vase – artist: artbyesely

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

79. fimo vase – artist: dancingfeatherstudio

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

80. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

81. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

82. fimo vase – artist: jbwolen

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

83. fimo vase – artist: LunaBlueGifts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

84. fimo vase – artist: BraunlinCreativeArts

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

85. fimo vase – artist: kissinglass

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

86. fimo vase – artist: orly rabinowitz

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

87. fimo vase – artist: scounselllor

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

88. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

89. fimo vase – artist: kellygenelife

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

90. fimo vase – artist: Saint-Angel

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

91. fimo vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

92. fimo vase – artist: aliexpress

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

93. fimo vase – artist: MandarinMoon

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

94. fimo vase – artist:  MandarinMoon

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

95. fimo vase – artist: tooaquarius

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

96. fimo vase – artist: beefball papa

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

97. polymer clay vase – artist: creastefy

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

98. fimo vase – artist: beefball papa

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

99. fimo vase – artist:  beefball papa

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

100. polymer clay vase – artist:

DIY 100 polymer clay vase ideas

What do you think of this amazing collection of  fimo/ polymer clay vase ideas?

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo diy tutorials.

Thanks for visiting! Until next time, be creative! If you want to share your work please contact me, I’m glad to help!

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

You’ll be surprised of how many ideas one can get by simply looking over the window. I live in one of the capitals of the world. It is a busy city and the only way to not feel constrained by this aspect was a cute little apartment, across the street from the park. I just love to drink my coffee outside on the balcony! Half asleep and with my messy morning face when I went out with the coffee this morning I sow something special: a beautiful little girl (2 yr) with her mother. She was carrying a box about as big as she was. This image woke me up even faster than the coffee! Consequently today is about the boxes of our childhood.

Making a box may be a pretty easy and fun task to do. We all have in our home boxes, now it’s the perfect time to recycle them! The complexity of the process depends of the idea you have. Below you can find some nice ideas of diy fimo box. You can choose to enjoy them or you can give them. It will be a nice gift for family, friends and school teachers.

And why not aim high? When you can ask her the big question, why not have a fimo handmade engagement ring box? You’ll surprise her not only with the ring, but also with the unique box hat will say so much about your personality!!!!

Enjoy the boxes!

  1. polymer clay box – artist: beadizzygrl

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

2. fimo box – artist: Morgan McGrath

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

3. fimo box – artist: Morgan McGrath

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

4. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

5. polymer clay box – artist: subtledetails

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

6. fimo box – artist: Clayart

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

7. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

8. fimo box – artist: PenelopeStern

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

9. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

10. fimo box – artist: CraftyClayStudio

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

11. fimo box – artist: fulgorine

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

12. fimo box – artist: KPcharms

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

13. fimo box – artist: Felicianation

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

14. fimo box – artist: Carrie Harvey

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

15. fimo box – artist: TheFlyingViper

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

16. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

17. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

18. polymer clay box – artist: Liz and Frog

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

19. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

20. fimo box – artist: CraftyClayStudio

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

21. fimo box – artist: fulgorine

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

22. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

23. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

24. fimo box – artist: KPcharms

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

25. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

26. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

27. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

28. fimo box – artist: Necrosarium

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

29. fimo box – artist: SonsationalCreations

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

30. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

31. fimo box – artist: Felicianation

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

32. fimo box – artist: fulgorine

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

33. fimo box – artist: RoyalKitness

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

34. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

35. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

36. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

37. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

38. fimo box – artist: raspberrylab

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

39. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

40. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

41. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

42. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

43. fimo box – artist: RoyalKitness

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

44. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

45. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

46. fimo box – artist: polymerclayworkshop

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

47. fimo box – artist: CraftyClayStudio

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

48. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

49. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

50. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

51. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

52. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

53. fimo box – artist: raspberrylab

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

54. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

55. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

56. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

57. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

58. fimo box – artist: ColorfulClay

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

59. fimo box – artist: KPcharms

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

60. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

61. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

62. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

63. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

64. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

65. fimo box – artist: Claybykim

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

66. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

67. fimo box – artist: Saartj1e

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

68. fimo box – artist: ColorfulClay

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

69. fimo box – artist: MilleFolliedellaRo

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

70. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

71. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

72. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

73. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

74. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

75. fimo box – artist: raspberrylab

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

76. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

77. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

78. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

79. fimo box – artist: RoyalKitness

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

80. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

81. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

82. fimo box – artist: Laura Griffin

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

83. fimo box – artist: ClayScenes

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

84. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

85. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

86. fimo box – artist: ColorfulClay

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

87. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

88. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

89. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

90. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

91. fimo box – artist: MilleFolliedellaRo

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

92. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

93. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

94. fimo box – artist: Saartj1e

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

95. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

96. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

97. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

98. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

99. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

100. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

101. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

102. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

103. fimo box – artist: MagicoMondoDiPLOPPI

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

104. fimo box – artist: AHHA

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

105. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

106. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

107. fimo box – artist: AHHA

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

108. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

109. fimo box – artist: Tina Holden

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

110. fimo box – artist: AHHA

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

111. fimo box – artist: ColorfulClay

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

112. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

113. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

114. Halloween witch polymer clay box – artist: raspberrylab

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

115. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

116. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

117. polymer clay box – artist: Saru-Hime

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

118. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

119. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

120. fimo box – artist: MilleFolliedellaRo

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

121. clay star box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

122. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

123. fimo box – artist: MandarinMoon

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

124. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

125. fimo box – artist: ArteDiAmore

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

126. fimo box – artist: ColorfulClay

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

127. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

128. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

129. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

130. spring jewelry box  – artist: AHHA

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

131. fimo box – artist: raspberrylab

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

132. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

133. fimo box – artist: raspberrylab

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

134. fimo box – artist: Miyaka89

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

135. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

136. fimo box – artist: Saru-Hime

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

137. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

138. fimo box – artist: Belilmalebridia

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

139. fimo box – artist: ColorfulClay

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

140. fimo box – artist: JillsTreasureChest

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

141. fimo box – artist:

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

142. fimo box – artist: polymerclayshed

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

143. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

144. fimo box – artist: Felicianation

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

145. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

146. fimo box – artist: jkay jewelry

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

147. fimo box – artist: TinfoilHalo

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

148. fimo box – artist: claytheism

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

149. fimo box – artist: jkay jewelry

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas

150. fimo box – artist: IntotheDawnDesigns

DYI 150 polymer clay box ideas


Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo/polimeric clay diy tutorials.

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

Macaroons are always  eye catching and tasteful, why not have them around you at home or office, maybe even a cake shop can find them useful even if they’re not for eating.

I just found a way we can enjoy macaroon and not put any extra kilos on our body: make macaroons photo holders from polymer clay .

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial


Look how colorful and pretty those polymer clay macaroons are,  makes it so hard not to taste them.

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

Sweet macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial

I hope you enjoyed this nice macaroons photo holder polymer clay tutorial! For more polymer clay free tutorials click on this link.this link.

For a complete guide on this macaroons polymer clay photo holders please refer to  Kara’s website.

Enjoy this awesome and very easy polymer clay tutorial and do not forget to visit Fomodiy Pinterest page for more mind blowing polymer clay tutorials.




DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

My husband have been invited to a barbecue at one of his clients new home. For two days I was extremely stressed and with no idea of what present should we give them for the new home… Today I realized that is not about the present, the material thing, it’s about the gesture and the moment. It was really nice of him to invite us, that’s the moment you want to spent whit quality people. And us, with that invitation will go over the line between business and private. I finally decided to give them a collection of photo frames. Is a great way to show off your photographs in a simple, but cute way.

Photo frames can make any home feel cozier than normal. And if you want something unique you should think about making polymer clay photo frames. Frames can be incredibly expensive, so it’s no surprise that more people are starting to make their own with materials that don’t cost so much.

I selected some photos to inspire you for your next DIY projects:

handmade photo frame -> Artist: Kathy Koontz

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

clay photo frame -> Artist: polymerclayworkshop

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

polymer clay photo frame -> Artist: Timea Marics

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

fimo photo frame -> Artist: Artes da Gi

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

polymer clay photo frame ->Artist: Clayart

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

fimo photo frame -> Artist:

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

polymer clay photo frame ->Artist: Geraldine Gabasa Marcano

DIY 6 polymer clay photo frame ideas

Today it’s all about getting nice memories! What frame do you choose for yours?

I hope you enjoyed this collection of polymer clay photo frame.

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo diy tutorials.

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

Keep your business cards handy with a DIY Fimo Business Card Holder. They make fantastic gifts for co-workers or the professional man or woman as well as . Whether it’s for your desk, or gift you can make it yourself with minim effort. It can be also a cheap DIY Decorating.

You can customizeuse Fimo Business Card Holder by colored clay, cane work or little sculptured details. I have made a couple simple card holders over the years but for sure I’ll try some of the new ideas

  1. Fimo Business Card Holder for accountants – Artist: KerrysArtGarden

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

2. Fimo Business Card Holder for tailoring – Artist: ByIYOMI

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

3. Fimo Business Card Holder for flowershops or hothouse – Artist: MadeWithClayAndLove

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

4. Fimo Business Card Holder for school or kindergarten workers – Artist:

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

5. Fimo Business Card Holder for women – Artist: potteryandtile

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

6. Fimo Business Card Holder for wedding planers – Artist: RiceBowlFactory

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

7. Fimo Business Card Holder for everyone- Artist: craftsbymorgan

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

8 Fimo Business Card Holder for musicians – Artist: KerrysArtGarden

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

9 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

10 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

11 Polymer clay nurse’s business card holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

12 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: StarlessClay

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

13 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: WizzyArtCreation

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

14 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: craftsbymorgan

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

15 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: ALaRefke

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

16 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: CommeLesOiseaux

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

17 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: bullseyestudio

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

18 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: red4short

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

19 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NKDesigns

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

20 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SuePsales

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

21 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SuePsales

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

22 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SuePsales

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

23 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SuePsales

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

24 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SuePsales

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

25 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SuePsales

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

26 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist:

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

27 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: “Nope, it’s not painted.”

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

28 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: BeClayzy

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

29 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

30 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: bullseyestudio

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

31 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: CommeLesOiseaux

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

32 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SweetchildJewelry

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

33 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SweetchildJewelry

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

34 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SweetchildJewelry

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

35 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: SweetchildJewelry

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

36 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: craftsbymorgan

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

37 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

38 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist:  NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

39 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

40 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

41 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

42 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

43 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

44 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: NaomisSweetStuff

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

45 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: lilijane

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

46 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: ErinlesHouse

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

46 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: WeeScarlettStudio

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

47 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: BettinaWelker

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

48 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: CommeLesOiseaux

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

49 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: BeyondBailey

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas

50 Fimo Business Card Holder – Artist: paintmydream

DIY 50 polymer clay business card holder ideas



What is your favourite Fimo Business Card Holder?

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo/polymer clay diy tutorials.

DIY 11 polymer clay paper clips ideas

office life: a generation of no colored workers…

Don’t you think that even office supply are monotonous? What do you think about some custom paper clips in all kinds of shapes? Below you cand find some DIY decorative fimo paper clips ideas that will definitely surprise you.

I’m definitely going to keep these in mind for future gift giving opportunities after I’ve made a couple for our use at home. I think they would be great paired with a book as a gift for someone who loves to read!

Wouldn’t it be cooler to have your own custom paperclips? What do you think? What’s your favorite?

Artist: variasmanualidades

DIY 11 polymer clay paper clips ideas

Artist: bearduck

DIY 11 polymer clay paper clips ideas

Artist: emileespeaks

DIY 11 polymer clay paper clips ideas

Artist: Hildamar Cadenas

DIY 11 polymer clay paper clips ideas

Artist: shaysclays

DIY 11 polymer clay paper clips ideas

Did you enjoyed this collection of polymer clay paper clips? Are not you more productive when you are surrounded by the things you like? Isn’t it a nice project for this weekend? It could also be a nice gift for a kid or even for an adult that loves handmade work. I bet you don’t know one single person how does not use paper clips! Be creative and surprise your friends!

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo diy tutorials.

Thanks for visiting!

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects – DIY for late November

With a little more than a month away the Halloween is near so be ready  to be envied by your friends for your creative Halloween polymer clay projects.

Because every artist need some inspiration we gathered together 15 most insane polymer clay artworks for the November last days, trick or treat, it’s up to you.

Fimo polymer clay is so nice an easy to work with, so hurry up and pin your favorites for later creative mood.

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November

15 amazing Halloween polymer clay projects - DIY for late November


Did you enjoy this selection of Halloween polymer clay projects? You want to see more? Go to this page to find more polymer Halloween creations for any project you have in mind. You can also find under the same link some amazing polymer clay Halloween jewelry to match to your costume.

Thank you so much for visiting! I hope to see you soon!Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo/ polymer clay free tutorials.

Enjoy making this models and if you are proud of your work please drop us a note to promote your creativity.

Happy Halloween!